Kreiva Academy Public Charter School
A simple process to start on the path of experiential learning for life.
Applying to Kreiva Academy
Kreiva Academy Public Charter School is a tuition-free, open-enrollment public school for students in grades 6 thru 12 who are New Hampshire residents. Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are being accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Follow these three simple steps to enroll at Kreiva Academy.
If you have any questions, please email or call 603-232-7974 ext 1003.
Attend an Information Session
Information Sessions include a tour of the school, so please bring your students with you.
RSVP here to guarantee your session spot.
Information Sessions:
Saturday, July 27, 2024
(10:00am to 11:30am)
Thursday, August 15th
Tuesday, September 17th
Tuesday, October 8th
All Info Sessions run from
6:00pm to 7:30pm
unless otherwise noted
Schedule a
Pre-Admission Conference
Once you and your student have attended an Info Session and completed application paperwork, then we can schedule this get-to-know-you-and-your-student session.
Please email
to schedule.
All New Hampshire students are eligible to apply if they:
Are entering one of the grades served by Kreiva Academy in the year of application.
Have proof of physical examination, immunization records (unless exempt in accordance with 141-C:20-c), documentation to verify student’s date of birth, and proof of residency.
All New Hampshire students are eligible to apply if they and their parent/guardian:
Are willing to abide by the school’s policies and expectations, and to work collaboratively toward achieving the Vision of Kreiva Academy.
Attend a public information session to ensure they understand the culture and educational approach at Kreiva Academy.
Believe that the student will benefit from attending Kreiva Academy.
Once a New Hampshire resident is admitted to Kreiva Academy, they are guaranteed enrollment for all subsequent middle and high school years, unless they voluntarily withdraw or are expelled, according to the school Code of Conduct. Annual re-enrollment paperwork is still required for each student who chooses to continue their education with Kreiva Academy.
Lottery Process
If at any time the number of eligible applications submitted for a given grade exceeds the number of spaces available, candidates for admission will be selected through a random lottery drawing of all eligible applications. Applicants who do not gain admission will be placed on a waitlist in the order their lottery number was drawn. If there are ever fewer applicants than spaces available, Kreiva will not conduct a lottery. Kreiva Academy’s waitlist will roll over from one year to the next. Each year, before the lottery, families still on the waitlist will have to reaffirm that they still want a space at the school.
Siblings of children already enrolled will receive preference in the lottery or will be moved to the top of the waitlist if necessary. If there are not enough spots for the interested siblings, there will be a special lottery among sibling applicants to determine admission and placement on the waitlist. The sibling lottery will take place prior to the lottery for the general public.